Thursday, April 30, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
3 day weekend... how was it? Give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. Go.
Over the weekend I went to Southern Illinois at Edwardsville to visit and hang out with my team. I was nervous but all the girls were so fun and I ended up loving the team and of course being at the school. Also I realized that all the girls on the team are crazy in shape and I need to work out a ton more to make sure that I don't look short and fat. I'll show you a pic of my team below to show you why I am concerned about being on the beach with these people next year.
See there they are.
So that's the funniest thing that happened but it's more of a funny sad than funny funny.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Tell me ALL about what your idea is for your stop-motion animation. I need detail. Who is going to help you take photos? What props do you need? Where do you plan on shooting? EXPLAIN everything.
For the stop motion animation, I am going to start with a blank paper and draw a picture on the page. The picture will be of a flower and I will take pictures of it as it goes on. I will be taking all my photos because it would be easy for me to just draw some and then take a picture of it. I plan on just shooting this on my dining room table. The idea is pretty simple but the picture will show the completely finished flower at the end of the stop motion. Alexis might help some and I might help her some with her's but who knows. My idea won't take long to do and won't be hard at all.
Tell me all about your weekend and please share photos!
Over the weekend I hung out with a bunch of my friends. I went to the plaza with Emma and Kencey for Emma's birthday and we ate at the Cheesecake Factory and then went shopping. Other than that I played tennis and got caught up on homework because I am really behind in some classes. The weekend was uneventful other than Emma's birthday and I can't wait for next weekend when I get to go hang out with my college tennis team.
Over the weekend I hung out with a bunch of my friends. I went to the plaza with Emma and Kencey for Emma's birthday and we ate at the Cheesecake Factory and then went shopping. Other than that I played tennis and got caught up on homework because I am really behind in some classes. The weekend was uneventful other than Emma's birthday and I can't wait for next weekend when I get to go hang out with my college tennis team.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
What do you love most about this time of year? Explain why you love it.
What I love most about this time of year is how it starts getting warmer and how everything starts to become more alive from the dead winter. Also what I love is the fact that school is almost over. That's probably my favorite thing the fact that when this season hits you know you are close to being done which is really exciting. That's about it though because overall my favorite time of the year is summer so this isn't going to be a very long post.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Did you complete the photo scavenger hunt? What kind of fun pictures were you able to capture? Did you do all your photos at school or did you do some at home over the weekend? Share one of your favorites.
I finished my scavenger hunt over the weekend and ended up retaking some of my photos to make them more artsy. I didn't like the ones that I had taken at school because they didn't look and good and looked pretty basic. I was able to capture some good light at home and was able to take photos that were different from the ones that other people would have taken because they weren't at the school. I did almost all my photos at home but kept a few of the photos that I had taken at school because they actually weren't that bad.
Friday, March 27, 2015
What do you know about photography and/or photo editing? Do you take photos? How do you take photos? Do you edit photos before posting them on social media? How do you edit them? Explain any background or knowledge you have about photography and photo editing. Do you like it? Do you have any interest?
The main thing that I know about photography is through watching my dad take them of cross country meets and my tennis matches. I know that there is a variety of forms and that you can change them to different colors. I have instagram so that't the main thing that I know about editing photos for there sometimes I will edit them and put different filters on it. How I edit the photos is I usually adjust the brightness and the sharpness. Sometimes the pictures are too bright or too dark so I will add highlights or shadows on the photos depending on what the photo needs. My dad also was always in charge of taking a photos for my brother and I's sports teams. So I have seen that before and sometimes he does editing on that to enhance the picture and make it more clear and crisp. I like taking pictures a lot actually and enjoy editing them and making artsy photos.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Welcome back! Go ahead. Tell me all about your Spring Break. Include photos!
Over Spring Break I went with my family to Hawaii. We went to the island of Oahu. I wanted to go on spring break with some friends but I didn't mind actually being with my family. During the trip we went on ATV's that took us on a tour of an area that was very pretty. Next we had some free days where we went shopping. I got a really cute purse from Kate Spade. Then we went on a bike tour which wasn't my favorite thing but it was fun and we got to see some parts of Hawaii that I haven't before. After that I have never seen Pearl Harbor so we also went and saw that and I also went aboard the ship the Missouri and learned some of the history that happened there. Spring break overall was pretty fun.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
What are you doing for Spring Break?
For spring break I am going with family and friends to Hawaii. I am excited to go to Hawaii because I haven't been back since I was about eight years old and at that time we had went to a different island. So I am glad to be going back so many years later and seeing a different part of Hawaii. I can't wait to just lay on the beach and get tan. Because right now I am really pale and my hair like matches my skin and it's just a huge problem.
For spring break I am going with family and friends to Hawaii. I am excited to go to Hawaii because I haven't been back since I was about eight years old and at that time we had went to a different island. So I am glad to be going back so many years later and seeing a different part of Hawaii. I can't wait to just lay on the beach and get tan. Because right now I am really pale and my hair like matches my skin and it's just a huge problem.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Tell me about your weekend.
Over the weekend I had a tennis tournament which didn't go well at all, I played okay but just not well enough. Then after the tennis tournament I went and hung out with a bunch of friends. It was overall a pretty boring weekend so I will go ahead and tell you what my mom did also, over the weekend my mother pained our kitchen a lighter color which is good I guess because it lightened up the kitchen a lot. But then again it was annoying because we couldn't touch anything and I was hungry and couldn't open the cabinets. hmmmm what else, my dad played tennis also over the weekend and I think he won his matches though. I also recently dyed my hair blonde which was maybe a mistake but I am getting it fixed today. I really don't have anything else to say but all my other posts are much longer so this line was really just to add more onto my post.
Friday, March 6, 2015
If you were the Principal for a week at BVHS, what would that look like? What changes would you make? Why?
If I was the principal for the week I would fix the WiFi because all the students have poor access if any. The student WiFi is so restricted it now it doesn't even let you snap chat. And then we go to assemblies and tiger TV and they ask us to tweet about a variety of things but we can't even access it so I do not get how they expect us to accomplish that. I would thing make it so instagram and all the other form of media are accessible to the students. Then I would fix the food that we have. Thursday's lunches are just terrible there is nothing to eat but hard fries and soggy oily pizza which no one wants to eat. The vending machines are a joke the food is barely in there and barely edible, I don't want to waste money on air. Lastly we don't need a vending machine that talks to us, I am a senior and things were way better my freshman year. And as a final thing I would make sure that all sports are getting enough attention. It seems that almost every other sport but tennis and swimming get attention. Football basically rules are school and others are lucky to even get a slight mention at an assembly. Lastly if they lose a game such as boys basketball yes that's sad...but why are we seeing highlight after highlight on the game? I'm sorry but didn't we lose? Sports are shown a ton of attention at our school for losing which would change. While other sports who are winning and putting up results just get pushed aside..why? because Tiger TV wants to make sure and show our boys football and basketball losing. And they always forget to mention the fact that we actually lost the game. Air time should be judged upon wins, I bet Tiger TV would look a lot different.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
List out 10 pieces of advice you would give someone on how to create an amazing presentation.
- Create a nice visual for the audience to look at
- Not too many words on each of the slides
- eye contact when presenting
- clearly explains the topic or issue being discussed
- Do not do a rushed job on the presentation and take your time
- Use different fonts
- Don't have a boring presentation, don't lose your audience
- Don't move around when presenting
- Speak loudly
- Have a conclusion other yeah...
Monday, March 2, 2015
Tell me about your weekend.
Over the weekend I hung out with some friends before the snow mess hit. We went shopping first and then we went to go hang out with some of our other friends Mikey and Dante. But then Saturday hit and it snowed all day so I was stuck inside with nothing to do. I watched probably like 4 movies and just laid around because I was so bored. The only excitement came when I had to take my dog out in the afternoon and she thought it would be a fun game to just take off running from the yard. I wasn't prepared for this at all and didn't have shoes on just socks and had to take off running after her. She got all the way up the street in the wintery mess before I got to her and she was wagging her tail as if she didn't do anything wrong. I was so mad but I know my dog loves the snow and I should have expected it because she does that kind of thing all the time. Lastly on Sunday I was able to re meet up with some friends (leah) and just hang out and actually do some homework. So all in all it was a pretty boring weekend. I don't get why it can't snow on a weekday and it has to do that on the weekend.
Over the weekend I hung out with some friends before the snow mess hit. We went shopping first and then we went to go hang out with some of our other friends Mikey and Dante. But then Saturday hit and it snowed all day so I was stuck inside with nothing to do. I watched probably like 4 movies and just laid around because I was so bored. The only excitement came when I had to take my dog out in the afternoon and she thought it would be a fun game to just take off running from the yard. I wasn't prepared for this at all and didn't have shoes on just socks and had to take off running after her. She got all the way up the street in the wintery mess before I got to her and she was wagging her tail as if she didn't do anything wrong. I was so mad but I know my dog loves the snow and I should have expected it because she does that kind of thing all the time. Lastly on Sunday I was able to re meet up with some friends (leah) and just hang out and actually do some homework. So all in all it was a pretty boring weekend. I don't get why it can't snow on a weekday and it has to do that on the weekend.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Tell me about your weekend. Give me a story, something funny that happened, an experiencing you had, the way you felt, etc. Include photos!
Over the weekend it was my friend jenny's birthday so we all went to a party and celebrated with her. But before we went to the party we went to dinner and at dinner one of my friends named Jackson spilled water all over the one of the girls and then when he tried to help her clean it up he ended up knocking over another one of the water pitchers just soaking the whole table. It was a funny story and I didn't mind that much, I mean it's just water and it will dry so I didn't get too upset. But one of my friends Allie was wearing a white blouse and she was very mad because now it was sticking to her skin which upset her a lot. All the guys thought it was pretty funny until she started yelling and getting very upset and Allie isn't really someone you mess with on things. The night ended fine though as if the fight had never even started.
The perfect curriculum would classes like personal finance ones that actually tell us what we need to know in the world. The perfect classes would be ones that tell us how to pay taxes, write checks, pay bills and how to exactly buy a house and a car. The perfect classes would be ones showing us how to fill out job applications and what jobs would be better suited for us. Classes right now teach us how to find the area of a triangle and who was the 18th president and what some guy did 1000 years ago that doesn't really matter to us. Yes, history is important, but no we don't need to learn about it over a 100 times. Instead we need to be learning about what is going to make us successful individuals when we become adults and then parents. I don't care if I understand what exactly Shakespeare was saying when he wrote a poem so long ago because I definitely can't bring that up at a job interview. Unless that is specifically what someone wants to study and if it was then they would go more into that in college. Classes would be completely different now if we actually were taught valuable life skills. We could cut out the crap that nobody cares about also would promote better learning. Kids now a days learn something and basically just cram memorize it and then forget it. I was in AP Euro sophomore year and while I could tell you some things I for sure couldn't tell you most of what I learned because it was memorized and then forgotten just like most math skills.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Copy and past these over to your blog and tell me a little about yourself. If you have a picture or two that might represent one of your answers make sure to include it.
My favorite food: Mexican Food
Foods I'd like to avoid: ALL SEAFOOD
My favorite things to learn: History
My favorite color: Blue
My best friends are: Jenny, Leah, Rina, Sydney
My favorite games to play: Tennis
My favorite books: Catcher in the Rye
My favorite movies or TV shows: Friends and the Notebook
My favorite holiday: Christmas
Things I do well: Tennis
Things I need to practice more: Math
My favorite place to go: Italy
My favorite family activities: Tennis, cards, vacationing
My favorite thing to do outside: Tennis
My favorite chore: taking care of my dog
My least favorite chore: taking my dog out early in the morning
What I want to be when I grow up: lawyer
A place I want to visit: Australia
My favorite part of the year: summer
My favorite part of each day: 2:50- because school ends
Foods I'd like to avoid: ALL SEAFOOD
My favorite things to learn: History
My favorite color: Blue
My best friends are: Jenny, Leah, Rina, Sydney
My favorite games to play: Tennis
My favorite books: Catcher in the Rye
My favorite movies or TV shows: Friends and the Notebook
My favorite holiday: Christmas
Things I do well: Tennis
Things I need to practice more: Math
My favorite place to go: Italy
My favorite family activities: Tennis, cards, vacationing
My favorite thing to do outside: Tennis
My favorite chore: taking care of my dog
My least favorite chore: taking my dog out early in the morning
What I want to be when I grow up: lawyer
A place I want to visit: Australia
My favorite part of the year: summer
My favorite part of each day: 2:50- because school ends
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tell me what you believe this cartoon is trying to say. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Try and look at this from two different perspectives. What is your perspective? What would be an adult/teacher's perspective?
This cartoon is illustrating how America is lagging behind in education because we aren't paying enough attention to our studies. It's showing that China is excelling in Math and that India is going far with Science. But America is too busy paying attention to our electronic and that advancements in technology. It also shows China and India to be well polished and seem to look studious and professional. But the USA kid looks to be like the rebel and much more childish than the others shown. The American kid is wear a baseball cap and looks like the typical cool kid in the neighborhood thing. My perspective is that American kids have more focus on electronics and sports than they do to their studies but American kids also have more down time and know how to have fun and at least relax sometimes. The other kids look well educated and polished and look like they devote a lot of time to their studies but they also probably aren't as happy and get as much free time. A teacher would view this probably as how can American Kids catch up to the rest of the world and what can we do to improve our study skills to match the output by other nations. They would look at study patterns and what is successful and what is not.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015
Tell me all about your weekend! I sure hope you have photos to share.
Over the weekend I played tennis a lot, because I have to get ready for my next tournament which is going to be an important national and I have to do well at it so that I can get an automatic into a bigger tournament. Then after that I went to the plaza with some friends ad we ate at PF changs which was fun. After that we went shopping for a bit but I didn't buy anything because I have no money and need a better job. After The plaza I went and hung out with my friends jenny, jackson, and sam. And that was fun we just hung and and watched a movie.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Tell me about some interesting things you have learned about your global issue so far. What have you learned that you didn't know before? Include a couple images from the internet if possible. (Make sure to cite images that are not your own.)
I have learned that Obesity is a bigger issue than I had previously thought. Obesity is very common in almost 40% percent of adults today. It also is starting to affect our youth. What I didn't know before was that the government can play a more active role than it is right now. The government has the power to limit the advertisements that the top fatty food companies are selling to people. But on the other hand Americans do not exercise and we can't blame the government for everything we do need to get up and get moving. One thing is for sure that obesity is a disease and it is on a serious collision path affecting the youth of America.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
You haven't had a chance to tell me about your Sweetheart weekend yet - tell me about it now! Include photos if you have them. Even if you just laid around on the couch and watched Netflix, tell me all about it.
I had to play a tennis tournament over the sweetheart weekend so I wasn't able to attend the dance. I would have rather went to sweetheart but wouldn't have been able to anyways because the person I am dating doesn't live in town, but he is coming for prom so it's all good. The tournament was okay I played alright. It was a tough tournament a lot of good people were playing it it so it was a rough weekend but it ended up alright. Other than that I came home on Sunday and sat around because I was so sore from it.
Monday, February 2, 2015
What is email? When do you use email in your own personal life? List reasons and ways that people use email. What do you know about "email etiquette"? EXPLAIN.
Email is the electronic version of a letter. Email allows people to communicate easily and effectively over the web. I used email to contact college coaches and to express my interest in the school, I also used email to reach out to my teachers when I have been absent or when I need to make up a test. People could use email in a fun way like we used to as kids or people use emails as professional means to contact their bosses. Advertisers use email to send promotional things and to make you aware of upcoming deals that may be approaching. I know that emails should usually start out with with a hello and their name and then they should end with a sincerely or a thank you and then your name.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Finish this sentence "10 years from now I will be...." (explain)
Far away from Kansas and living somewhere warm. I will be graduated from college and have a job in what I am interested in, I will also not have to be around any of the kids that I went to high school with because they all are annoying. I hope to live in South Carolina and be married to someone. I don't know yet about kids. In ten years from now I really hope that I can be successful in whatever I chose to do with my life.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Yesterday I had you choose a global issue and you wrote about it on your blog. Today on your blog I want you to tell me about two different perspectives of your global issue. Are there people for an against your issue? Do people disagree on your issue? Is it a topic that can cause controversy? Look at the issue for two different perspectives. Tell me about those perspectives.
My global issue is obesity. One side to the story and concern around obesity would be that we as a nation are promoting bad eating habits. Mcdonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, and many other fast food chains have very unhealthy food and don't really promote eating right and a balanced diet. These fast food chains make it easy access to Americans and could be making our nation fat. The advertisements for these foods are everywhere and encourage us almost to not eat right. They also offer many sizes of things that we can get. Almost all of these places offer options that can super size things and there are constantly deals on things that if you get one you can get another for free. And now Michelle Obama is getting involved and wanting meals to be healthier which is seeing some back lash.
Other people would argue that it is our own right to eat and do whatever we want and the government should stay out of it and allow us to consume what we want on a daily basis. That would also argue that maybe the place itself should offer more healthy food and we should not have to worry about consuming something that is so many calories from having a simple meal. There are some Americans that don't see the issue as a huge problem and if someone wants to eat a hamburger that is 1000 calories than they have every right to.
This topic can cause a lot of controversy simply because for most people weight is a sensitive issue and there are many factors that could play into weight gain. But from statistics we can definitely determine that weight has become a serious problem in the United States.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Without doing any research, what background do you currently have on this issue?
What do you want to know about this issue?
Why did you choose this issue? Had it effected your life? Is it something you are passionate about? Explain
What do you want to know about this issue?
Why did you choose this issue? Had it effected your life? Is it something you are passionate about? Explain
The issue I chose was obesity and the background information that I have is simply from seeing super size me twice at school in different classes and being an athlete I have heard several things regarding weight and working out and where I should be with my fitness. I want to know more about this issue and more of the facts. I have heard that it is becoming a major problem in the United States and while I have a good idea on why that is I would like to know more of the facts and what if we even are doing to try and fix this and prevent it. I chose this issue simply because it seems to be a huge issue now a days. It doesn't affect me personally my whole family is in really good shape and watch what they eat and do. But I am passionate about playing sports and staying active I love tennis and staying fit would be a huge thing to go along with tennis today, so mainly I chose this topic to see the variety of things in today's world and economy that is contributing to us being over weight and what we can do about the to fix it. The more and more that technology grows and we have access to more and more things that the generation didn't know or have before, the more stationary we become. The new technology is largely to blame because more and more kids play games inside rather than going outside and playing. But I want to find out more about this growing concern in the United States.
Last week I asked your to "think differently" and push yourself to be uncommon with your PSA project using Google Slides. Why do you think I asked you to do that? What is the point? Why not just use bullets and headers? Explain.
Well for one you probably don't want to see the same thing over and over again, plus by just putting information in bullets we aren't really learning it and more just copying down the information by putting things on each slide with out adding much thought to it. Secondly by working more creativity with the information we are learning it better. We are having to think about the facts that we are trying to convey in our PSA because it needs to be presented differently. By working and thinking differently we are able to see the information in a new way and present in a way that took time to understand and to write down because we had to be unique and couldn't just follow a the set standard that most presentations that we do have.
Friday, January 23, 2015

Kids these days are always on their phones, they hardly ever go outside and enjoy the weather or just to get some fresh air. It really is a shame when I was younger we didn't have smart phones and all these video games and gadgets that kids now a days have. We had fun by going outside and playing various games such as tag, we as kids explored more and were actually friends with the neighborhood kids. Kick the can and capture the flag are a waste of this generation. let alone the fact that you can never get their attention. Ever meal they eat is instagramed, every activity they do is tweeted abut and every picture they take is added to facebook. Let alone the fact that you have to watch out for the snap chats. If you are not paying attention they will snap a photo of you and caption it within seconds. Everything that the younger generation does has to be documented and photographed. Leaving the question that if you didn't take a picture were you even actually there?
Thursday, January 22, 2015
What is a public service announcement (PSA)? What do PSA's do? What makes a good PSA? How can you get someone to take action after watching a PSA? What is you PSA idea? Explain in detail.
A pubic service announcement is something that brings awareness to a topic or subject that is of concern to the public. They shine a light on issues that need to be addressed or at least made known for public safety or knowledge. A good public service announcement is something that moves and motivates a person. It is something that makes people think and maybe even change their actions. It's something that gets people talking and discussing a matter that needs to be talked about more than it is. A PSA should be motivating enough to get a person to take action after watching it or to even consider what was said in it. Something that has a lot of facts and can prove why something might be disruptive to the public good can motivate someone to take action after seeing it. My PSA is to never text and drive. Texting and driving is incredible dangerous and takes your attention away from the road to the device that you are holding. It only takes one text or a couple of seconds to change your life and someone else's.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Tell me all about your 3 day weekend. Share photos!
Over the weekend I played tennis everyday and attended practice on Friday and Saturday. I also hung out with some friends and went to Jose Peppers. I also went shopping with another set of friends and I bought some new Kendra Scott earrings. It was also a crazy nice weekend so I took my dog for a long walk at Heritage Park, other than that I spent time with my family and got some chores and things done around my house that I had put off for a while
Friday, January 16, 2015
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.
I am a senior here and I played varsity tennis all four years for the school. I won state junior year in tennis with junior Alexa Tiefel. My favorite class this year is of course this one because Scheuerman is awesome but other than that I liked sociology with Mrs. Cowan because it was a fun class and I enjoyed the topics that we talked about. What I am looking forward to is graduating and getting out of here. I want to go to college and plan to never come back to Kansas.
This is from the tennis banquet this year!
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Always be nice to people
Beware of obstacles
Carefully plan your future
Don't doubt yourself
Everything happens for a reason
Find your passion
Get good grades
Help others out
Include people
Just don't stress out
Kindness is contagious
Love everybody
Make a lot of money
Never give up
Open your mind to new things
Positive people go farther
Quickly find things you like to do
Realize your potential
Say what you want
Take time to yourself
Under no circumstance think you're worthless
Verify what you want and get it
Wear what you want
X Rays....make sure and get them
Yell whenever you want
Zios is a good there
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
What are your thoughts on this class so far? Easy? Hard? Informative? Frustrating? What have you learned so far? What do you want to learn? Explain yourself.
I like this class and I like the idea of having a blog. I find the class challenging though just because it is things that I have never worked with before or done. It is however, easy to catch onto the things if I am paying attention and listening to the directions well. I was frustrated with figuring out how to put a picture on my blog because I missed the day we went over that but I after playing around with some of the options I figured out how to do it and now I am back on track with it. So far I have learned how to set up a blog and how to make posts, I originally didn't know anything regarding blogs and how they even work from behind the scenes. I hope to learn more just regarding computers and how they operate. I want to be able to navigate blogger and all the options knowing exactly how to use it and how it's ran.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Tell me about your weekend. What did you do? Upload a photo to your Google Drive and then insert the photo (or photos!) to your blog post to show me what all you did.
This weekend the main thing that I did was play tennis but I also got the chance to hang out with some of my friends and we went shopping. For the tennis part I played a tournament and ended up getting 6th place, it was a challenging tournament but overall I was happy with the way that it turned out even though I was suppose to finish one spot better. For shopping we went to forever 21 and a couple other stores that are a little scattered but if you look long enough you can find a really good buy.
This weekend the main thing that I did was play tennis but I also got the chance to hang out with some of my friends and we went shopping. For the tennis part I played a tournament and ended up getting 6th place, it was a challenging tournament but overall I was happy with the way that it turned out even though I was suppose to finish one spot better. For shopping we went to forever 21 and a couple other stores that are a little scattered but if you look long enough you can find a really good buy.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

I agree with this article. Teenagers are always complaining while still living off their parents money. Teens should go home they should learn responsibilities so that they can become successful when they are adults and when they can no longer spend their parents money. It's the mentality that if you want something you have to go out and work for it and it wont come easy you're going to need to put effort in to achieve anything worth doing. Teenagers are soon becoming adults and they should actually start behaving like one. This article motivates me to want to accomplish goals and make something of myself.

I agree with this article. Teenagers are always complaining while still living off their parents money. Teens should go home they should learn responsibilities so that they can become successful when they are adults and when they can no longer spend their parents money. It's the mentality that if you want something you have to go out and work for it and it wont come easy you're going to need to put effort in to achieve anything worth doing. Teenagers are soon becoming adults and they should actually start behaving like one. This article motivates me to want to accomplish goals and make something of myself.
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